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Peak Mountain 3


FA Devin Doyle
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Start under arete with left hand out wide on a slopey undercling/sidepull and right hand on lower sidepull rail. Use the big block to pull on and make a couple powerful moves out the steep arete onto the right face of the arete and up to the big jug and mantle onto the large ledge above.

The Stand start goes at V7 (…


This can also be started with right hand on an even lower slopey undercling which adds a tough move into the same starting position (Called Supa FUPA at V8).

IIRC, the full line has not been done from a fully seated position (butt on dirt).


Located on the Eco-Terrorist boulder on your left off the trail up to the main area. Starts at the bottom of the large overhanging arete at the front of the boulder.



1000 km
500 mi