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Peak Mountain 3


FA Kevin Sierzega
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Begin on the same right-facing slopey side pull as "The Silmarillion," but climb directly above rather than breaking right. Execute continuously challenging moves up and left to a huge-anchor clipping jug located a few feet below the lip. Climbs like a long boulder problem, thus hard to assign a route grade to…Currently, there is only one-bolt as an anchor...I will install a second plus quicklinks asap...I wanted to provide route info just in case anyone hops on this. Also, I added an anchor just over the bulge on the next tier. Feel free to climb it to this anchor, but that boulder problem is rough!


The furthest route climber's left.


3-4 bolts to current one-bolt anchor.

1000 km
500 mi