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North Central Variation to the Hart Route
P-1 Climb 130 ft. up a gully-chimney-dihedral system past 3 bolts (1 new, 1/2"x3&3/4" rawl, and 2 old, 3/8" x3/4" sleeve anchors) to an old 2 bolt belay. P-2 Continue up the gully about 40 ft. and clip the 2 bolt anchor at the base of the last pitch on the Hart Route using a 4 ft. runner. [As of December 2011, there is still an active bee hive just left of these bolts. There have been multiple incidents associated with this hive including one fatality. Be advised this probably isn't a good place to stop and belay. An advantage of this variation is less rope drag than combining the last 2 pitches on the Hart Route. A good way to escape this 2 bolt anchor in the event of a bee attack is to fix the end of your rope to these bolts and single line rappel down the gully to safety] Continue climbing the last pitch (60 ft.) of the Hart Route past 2 more bolts to a 2 bolt anchor. Scramble southwest and descend via the Pedrick's Chimney rappel station.
This climb is located approximately 50 ft. right of the regular start for the Hart Route on the Gargoyle Wall south of the Praying Monk.
medium to large cams and bolts.
Routes in Gargoyle Wall
- 5North Central Variation to the Hart Route5.3Trad