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Peak Mountain 3

Pickles and Prune Juice

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is a possile new route... I did some scrubbing on this problem and there was no sign of anyone climbing on it, but if it has been done before give me the correct name and info and I will gladly change it.

Ok so the route is short comprising of only a few moves but the moves are relatively fun. Sit start in the middle of the face with a single pad crimp for your right hand and another similar size crimp for your left, the left hand is kinda high. Using the good feet below your right hand pull yourself up moving to a good hold about two feet from the top, from here move your feet up and go to the top, the topout is awesome.


From the main entry area of The Pound, walk back towards The Blot (V2) and Plague Face (V0) when in that little aclove area walk though the cave formed by the two boulder, once through this cave you will be standing next to Pound Back (V1) stay right and up the hill ten feet will be Pickles and Prune Juice (V0+) on your right.



1000 km
500 mi