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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


I'm not sure if this is an unfinished project or work in progress, so please feel to edit if you have any information about FA or name. There are 8 shiny new bomber bolts on this slab. Then, the bolts run out and it's mostly crunchy slab to the top where there's a new fixe bolted anchor. I am not sure if the bolts ran out because the rock is suspect, if it just ended with a gigantic runout from there, or if this is simply a project in the works. Either way, I was able to access the anchor easily from the top of Peruvian Flake, top rope, and then free all the moves, despite several broken slab feet and hands. I'm not a slab expert, but my partner said it feels about as hard as the hardest moves on the Freeblast Slab, so I'll call it 11- until consensus grading says otherwise. 80m rope to the base, 70m will get you to the ledge where "Fine Line" is.


Right of Peruvian Flake and just left of Fine Line, you'll find a bolted slab line. Start just left of the tree.


8 draws and hopefully more if bolts are added

2000 km
1000 mi