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Peak Mountain 3

Downtrail Face

FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Begin from a sit start using crimps on top of the lowest shield of rock. Start by smacking a LH sloper, then trend up and right across poor crimps and make a big move to a corner jug just shy of the top and pull over. This is an obvious, independent and fun core-tension problem with poor feet until you've snagged the high jug. Note that in hot or humid conditions, it will feel harder as the start is fairly polished and lacks some of the friction found on most Evans problems. Sequential, fun and proof-positive that a problem does not have to be steep to be worthy of 4 stars.

Although I do not have FA info for this line, one of the Ohio crew are the likely first ascentionist.


In the middle of the face facing downtrail.


An Organic pad or two.

2000 km
1000 mi