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Peak Mountain 3

The Clincher

FA Nathan Brown (rope solo), 2005
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


The start is the technical crux, with the rest of the route being fairly moderate at 5.9 or so.

P-1 Mantel the slopey ledge and clip bolt. Make some techy slab moves slightly right to better holds and gear. Then climb the moderate face past 2 more bolts and gear to a belay at roughly 110'. NOTE: there is a s/s nut anchor here for those just wanting to do the first crux pitch.

P-2 Continue to top via several variations (5.8ish).

Rap from bolts out right (another line).


On the taller section of the wall just right of a vegetated right facing corner. The lefthand bolt line.


Medium sized rack of nuts and cams.

2000 km
1000 mi