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Peak Mountain 3


FA Horning, Rahman, Scarpelli
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


  1. A short jumper pitch over the block pile will get you to some belay bolts in the corner.

  2. Start in the corner but soon move right to the now opened crack and continue to the saddle between the pinnacle and the ridge to the north.

  3. From the saddle traverse right on easy ledges until below the south face of the summit block. Some gully like cracks lead to any easy finish.

Rappel bolt are on the NE corner. A second set of "mid way" rap bolts is at the flake on the NE side of the pinnacle.


The route is on the North side of the pinnacle where it leans onto the ridge.


Friends!! Small and medium sized friends and stopper will make for a friendly climb.

1000 km
1000 mi