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Peak Mountain 3

Gentleman's Rules

FA Hubert D'autremont, Luke Bertelsen, Matt Martinez, Cory Hanson - Oct 2018
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route was built on proper etiquette and chivalrous acts.

Begin with some long pulls and by navigating the large pods that get you through the first few bolts.  The holds get smaller and moves get a little more tricky as the climb ascends the blunt arete.  Solve this section and you just have to deal with the tricky and not so straight forward mantle that guards the final slab romp to the chains.  

If you find yourself in doubt on this climb just remember, a gentleman makes it happen.


Currently the second route on the left side of The Baby Gap.


6 bolts to lower-off anchors.

Routes in The Baby Gap

  1. 2
    Gentleman's Rules
3000 km
2000 mi