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Peak Mountain 3

Hillside Strangler

FA Jim Yost/Erret Allen, 6/1983
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Hand crack with patina plates. Pass a small bulge(crux) with a hand/fist crack and great face holds. Continue up face holds/friction over bulges with thin horizontals for pro or fist+ crack to left, careful of rope drag. Scramble across ledge to face climb to the top. Gear anchor. Rap off back 15m


Psycho Killer Rock far right side. Last tower. Start by tree and chest high boulder in a hand crack with patina holds. Rap off back then walk around to start.


Gear to 4. Gear anchor. Fixed rap 15m off back. One 60m rope.

Routes in Psycho Killer Rock

2000 km
1000 mi