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Peak Mountain 3

Kublai Khan

FA Jim Waugh, Todd Swain 02-1988
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This route climbs a very impressive roof crack that Mr. Waugh led onsight. The roof crack is pretty obvious once you get up to the base of the cliff. Start below the right edge of a huge roof that is about 60 feet above the ground.

P1: Climb the face just right of a wide crack to a ledge. Move left, then up to another ledge with a bolt (80 feet; 5.5).

P2: Move left under the roof and climb the crack out the roof and up the face above until it ends. Continue up the steep wall above to the top using pockets (5.12a/b).


Carry a good selection of gear up to a blue Camalot.

500 km
300 mi