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Peak Mountain 3


FA unknown
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


This is a fun new single pitch climb that is essentially a rerouting (with direct start and direct "finish") of an old abandoned EB project. It ends in a bowl below the blank headwall.

The climbing gets harder and harder with each move, but with great stances at each protection point and mostly positive eyebrows, it makes for a fun outing.

Climb the easy corner to a ledge. There is a good pod for a #1 camalot or tricam here. Crimp up and left into eyebrows and gear, pass a bolt up semi-spicy slabbing, to a sloping ledge beneath the steepening wall. Climb past another bolt, a blue and purple tcu (different placements), then two more bolts. At the last bolt, move a ways right then up and back left to the anchors.


Start in the short left-facing and arching corner that marks the leftmost end of the Hyperbola Flake.


light rack up to hand size cam, 4 bolts and anchor

2000 km
1000 mi