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Peak Mountain 3

Gold Medal

FA Pete Otis/Tim McGivern post breakage
CREATED May 2023
UPDATED May 2023


Sit start the beautiful right corner/arete and make great moves up a blank corner.


Park at Concord street overpass. Walk in passing the Driven Boulder (The offwidth) and follow a trail around the left side of the swamp. After about 6-8 minutes you will reach a wooden boardwalk across the swamp. Take that headed towards the big 25 foot boulder. Walk around that boulder to the side with the small rock slab and the classic problem Plumb line (V4)..From there, with your back to Plumb Line,  head straight ahead trending slightly right of the 12 foot boulder (Buzzkill V5-) which sits in a depression in the dried out lowland. Head uphill about 250-300 feet to find Gold Medal perched near the top of the small hill. It usually has a few pricker bushes around the base.



1000 km
500 mi