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Peak Mountain 3

Airation Buttress



This section is perched atop of the Thin Air face. It is the whitish buttress at the very top of the cliff.

The best thing about Airation Buttress besides the killer routes is the exposure. You start from a ledge, so right away you are 400ft up so with little commitment you get the maximum experience. The ledge is spacious and tree-covered on the right and gets smaller the farther left it goes. You can access the ledge by parking on the road near the summit (look for a flat rock next to the road). Follow a trail toward the cliff and around to the ledge. You can walk right up to many routes without having to rope up. Airation (5.11a) and Pinetree Eliminate (5.8+) are two classics that are easy to get to.

The left-hand routes can be gained by traversing the ledge (rope up for this one) or climb Still in Saigon to Miss Saigon (5.8+). This will put you in the middle of the left side of the ledge just beneath Camber (5.11b), one of the most spectacular routes at Cathedral. Camber is also one of the first routes to dry after rain.



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