07. Beyond "Lurp" Boulders
[Edit]Currently, this sub-area is envisioned as covering the boulders that are after the boulder "Lurp". There are boulders on both sides, many of which I have no names for, nor do I know whether they have been climbed on. Then, of course, there is the huge boulder field of the main climbing cliff itself. At present the boulders in this huge field are NOT included herein.
Without a doubt, the gem of this sub-section, if not all of Sundown (and maybe even NH???) , is the 25ft-high, overhanging East Face, of "The Prow*" boulder that includes the climbs "Moose Ball Arete*" (So named, but unclimbed, by Jon Guinter; and here I assume it has been climbed) and "Short Circuit". Donovan Spaulding's photograph of the climber on this east face ("Short Circuit", V7) shows this aspect so well that I have placed it first, ahead of the map of the sub-section!
In a personal e-mail from Jon I asked him if the Prow was boulder on which the climb "Moose Ball" existed. He felt it probably was. When I got to the formation, there was no doubt in my mind...the magnificent overhanging East face looks just like the prow of a streamlined ship!
Because of Boulders on both sides, a Left-to-Right (or vice verse) wouldn't make a lot of sense. So I will put in the boulders such that the Left-to-Right sort organizes them as they would be encountered on the hiking path.
This is the first area where the boulders have to potential for multiple routes (Especially The "Prow" and what I call "Bou1der 5")
[Edit]Local climbing organizations
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