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Peak Mountain 3

Canyon Diablo



Canyon Diablo is a rough and tumble little canyon with a checkered past. This rocky oasis in the flat lands east of Flagstaff sports a lot of rock, but as of yet, not a whole lot of development. The sandstone doesn't wield the fine assortment of holds of similar stone in the area. Instead there tend to be beautiful blank faces with little to grasp. Exceptions to rule exist, of course, and there may be some really hard routes down there just waiting for the right set eyes to pick them out.

Established boulder problems and TRs exist throughout the canyon with Ira's Traverse V4ish (FA Ira Hickman),and the super long Power Alley established by John Sherman, standing out as notable classics.

This canyon was used by horse thieves and bandits in the wild west days, and distillers during prohibition. And while it is wild, I wouldn't call it pristine by any stretch. A good place to change things up, especially when everything around Flag is wet.

Tim Toula's, A Cheap Way To Fly has a map with established routes.



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